How to get rid of Headache Instantly

The most common and annoying problem which we face frequently due to various reasons in our daily life is Headache. Once you get headache it becomes very difficult to continue with the work you are doing. So, we simply take painkiller to get rid of headache but that too take some time. You will be surprised to know that painkillers are already present in our body but we never use them.


1. Pressure : There is a groove in your skull which is at the top of the center of the eye socket. Applying pressure at this point will release endorphins. Endorphins are our body painkillers. The release of Endorphins will get you rid of your headache within seconds. When we apply pressure at this groove we feel a pain which is due to a nerve present in this groove. And this pain leads to the Release of endorphins.

Today when my mother got headache, i told her to do this and she got rid of headache within seconds. So, then i thought of sharing this wonderful tip with you.

What are Endorphins ?

Endorphins are endogenous opioid polypeptide compounds. They are produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in vertebrates during strenuous exercise, excitement, pain and orgasm, and they resemble the opiates in their abilities to produce analgesia and a sense of well-being. Endorphins work as "natural pain relievers", whose effects may be enhanced by other medications. [Source : Endorphin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia].

2. Concentration/ Meditation - I have found this method very effective. Whenever you get a headache, find a quite place in open air surroundings example garden or just go outdoors. Then Close your eyes and try to concentrate at the center point(with closed eyes). As long as you concentrate you will feel no pain but after you open your eyes, headache will be there. So, you need to do it for longer time and you can also take deep breaths as it will increase the oxygen level in your body and that is what our brain loves the most.

3. Shirshasana(headstand) - This yogic posture increase the flow of blood in the head which leads to rise in oxygen level and you can get relief from headache. It is advised to do this yoga regularly as it is very beneficial in the long run.

4. Shower : Take shower, if possible, with Luke Warm or hot water. You will feel relief from headache while you are taking shower. After the shower, Few deep breaths and take a nap or use the above mentioned method(Concentrate).

I hope this will help you, and i will keep adding more ways of getting rid of headache.

Bonus read : How to wake up early in the morning.


  1. wow this really works

  2. Step one helped instantly

  3. I tried step one but i still have a headache, i may be doing it wrong.

  4. NONE of these methods work for me, and most actually make my headache WORSE! Stop spreading lies and junk science!

    1. Your probably some 10 year old who thinks the illuminati is funny. Grow up. This actually does work!! Thanks!!

  5. I didn't know that putting pressure the groove in your eyebrow bone helped get rid of headaches. I get headaches pretty often, which astounds me because I try and drink a lot of water to avoid that. They're usually in my temples and massaging them hasn't helped yet. I would love to find something that worked that didn't involve pills, since that's usually what I end up taking for them.

  6. Thanks, it really worked!

  7. Okay...#1 (mostly) worked. That kinda creeps me out.

  8. Okay...#1 (mostly) worked. That kinda creeps me out.

  9. None of this crap works. I found ALL grooves on my eye sack and I still have a headache! Thanks for nothing. This was a waste of time.

  10. Migraines and headaches, such as tension headache and sinus headache, are very painful. So this post can be a useful one for everyone who are suffering a lot with these type of headaches as me.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Mediation helps to prevent head ache, but for me doesn't helps to get rid of it or cure it.
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  13. Nice blog! Headache is a non specific sign thousands of people suffering from headache every day. Therefore it may cause the reduction of lot of working dates. It is a pain occurs either in head or the neck. If you notice any symptoms follow these tips. You feel better.

  14. Some pranayamas, like shitali, anulomaviloma and sitkari; yogakriyas such as jalneti and kunjal; and yogasanas such as sarvangasana, uttanpadasana, paschimottanasana, shavasana, and halasana enhance blood circulation and are a great help in relieving headaches.

    How to Get Rid of Headaches

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