How to do Meditation(for beginners)?

Meditation is the best thing a person can do to reach his highest state of self. Beginners find it difficult to meditate for longer periods. In this article i will explain you how to do meditation.

Follow these steps:

1) Wake up early in the morning, ideally at 4 Am because this is the best time to meditate as there are no noises and quality of air is very good.

If you can't wake up at 4 then at least you should wake up at 5 AM.

2) Find a quiet place somewhere in the open surroundings, you can go at your terrace.

3) Sit on the level ground on a sheet or a cushion for comfort. Whenever you meditate its best to sit cross legged but if you can't than you can also sit on a chair.

4) Close your eyes and repeat a japa(mantra or phrase) in your mind which must remind you of God. This repetition of japa will help you to keep your mind still and keep it from distractions.

5) Try to look at the centre of your eyebrows with your eyes closed. You will see it in dark. This further helps to keep your mind still. Other option is to visualize God, your ideal. It can be anyone - Jesus Christ, Shri Krishna, Allah, Guru Nanak dev ji or your Living Guru.


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  2. I know only little about meditation but I completely don't know about meditation. This blog helps me to completely know about meditation. It is really helpful for beginners.
    with regards
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  3. I still can't get myself and my inner self out when dedication
