Morning Glory : 5 Best things to do in the Morning

The best habit you can develop in your life is to wake up early in the morning and start your day with the fresh breeze of nature. This helps you start your day with the positive energy and keep you active for most part of the day. The other advantage of waking up early is that it helps you shed your laziness - which i consider as my enemy or an obstacle.

Waking up early is like half battle won, but how to make your morning special. Here are the five things which you can do :

Meditation : I can't list the benefits of meditation as there are too many. Meditation is the best thing you can practice to control your mind. Daily spending 30-60 mins on meditation will make a change in your attitude, behavior. It helps you control your anger too.

Walk in the park :  Let's move out of our home and hug the morning glory of nature which is ready to bless us with her fresh breeze which is very beneficial for our lungs. Hence it improves our breathing -> Respiratory system -> Heart and this list goes on. Walk barefoot on the wet grass, which is very beneficial for your eyes.

Taking a shower : Once you reach home, wait for sometime and allow your body to get back to the room temperature. And then take a shower which is a source of positive energy and helps you get rid of toxins accumulated on your body. Whenever you are taking shower, try to imagine that all the negative thoughts are being washed away and the positive energy is flowing in your body with every single drop of water.

Breakfast : Breakfast is your best buddy, provided it is healthy one. Don't rush to work after taking a too fatty or carb filled  breakfast because that won't help you. Healthy breakfast is must to keep yourself filled with energy for the whole day.

Read something positive : Read a feel good article everyday which teach you something or which provides a solution to the everyday problems we face. Best thing is to subscribe to a self-improvement blog. Save the articles which you find very helpful and make it a habit. It will help you in the long run.

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